Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rivalry Week

It's that time of year!!! The big game is this Saturday. Here is our littlest fans showing their Cougar spirit! GO COUGARS! Who are you cheering for????

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Birthday

 One year ago I welcomed a new man into my life!! Tyler turns one year old today!! It always seems to amaze me at how fast they grow up. He was so tiny and wrapped all swaddled up yesterday and now he is learning to walk and chasing his sisters around the house! I love you Tyler and can't wait to see what this life has in store for you!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma

On Grandma's birthday (a.k.a. Halloween) we got to go to Ben & Julie's house to celebrate! Almost everyone was able to come. The little kids dressed up in their costumes and everyone had a good time. I think it was especially special for Grandma to spend her birthday with so many of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We Tuckers are blessed to have a GREAT family. We love you Grandma! And we're glad you had a happy birthday!

(P.S. If you look really close you can see Grandpa Tucker in this picture too! Totally not planned but cool how that worked out.)

First Post

Welcome Tucker Family! I am glad you found your way! I hope this helps are family stay connected as we are getting bigger and bigger every year!!!! Feel free to post pictures, videos, or stories about what is happening. I am so excited to hear how everyone is doing, since I am kinda out of the loop being here is Missouri! If you have any questions about how to work blogger feel free to ask myself, cyleste, melanie, or mercedes as we all have other blogs and kinda know our way around. Once again please feel free to help yourself to anything you can do on the blog!!!