Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to the beautiful matron of our family. I hope you have a wonderful day. We love you.

For those of you in the Tucker family reading this, please post a comment sharing a fun story about or just telling Grandma how much you love her.


  1. She comes and helps me out at my school, and she always has good conversation! Love you Grandma!

  2. Grandma- Most of the other kids probably won't remember this, but I remember when you were a primary teacher for all those many years. I always thought it was so fun when we went to your ward and I got to go to your primary class. I thought it was so cool that my grandma was the teacher. Love you Grandma!

  3. Oh the memories! I have so many... especially since living with her for the past year and a half, but one of my favorites was always riding up with her to pick Grandpa up from work when she needed to. I remember a special time of going and picking Grandpa up and Grandma had the idea of me and Katie hiding in the back of the van and being quiet so Grandpa didn't know we were there. Well Katie didn't last too long but I stayed in the back till we got to Pepe's Barbershop to go get his hair cut. I remember hearing Grandpa say, "Well there's my Katie Jo but were is my Carli Darli?" Grandma gave us some change to go by some ice cream cones at Artic Circle and we came back and suprised Grandpa with me being there. It was just a few days before Grandpa passed and I treasure that moment of my life dearly. I only have this because Grandma was so amazing to let 2 roudy girls ride with her that day! I love Grandma dearly, she truly is amazing! Love you Grandma!

  4. I remember a Mom that went to all of my concerts as I was growing up. She was also the one who "lined" me up with my future eternal companion and for that I will always be grateful. We went to Disneyland in September 2001 just after the terroist attack. Grandma wanted all of us kids and our spouses to spend some special time with her and it was special. Love you Mom!!!

  5. I remember how much of a support my Grandma and Grandpa Tucker have always been in my life. Whether it was going to watch a graduation, a dance performance, and orchrastra performance or just a party. She would always be there to support me with all the love she has. I Love you grandma!
